Matthew 3:7-12

"John and the Pharisees" James Tissot

 I may attend church and even outwardly look like a good Christian person but that does not mean it does me any good if it does not penetrate into my soul and change me on the inside. If I say I am sorry but I keep doing the thing I say I am sorry for it makes no difference. I must say I am sorry and then stop and turn around and head the opposite direction from that sin. God sees the real distorted and ugly me that lies beneath the mask I wear for others. Right now we are all mixed up in the church. Real Christians with fake Christians. But in the end God will separate us and the real Christians will be brought to heaven while the fake Christians will burn forever.

Heavenly Father,

Holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come. With all creation I sing praise to the King of Kings. You are my everything and I will adore you.

I confess I am not the perfect innocent girl so many think I am. Underneath this mask lies such pain and horror and ugliness. I have let fear rule me and my choices in life and that fear has eaten away at my soul. Please forgive me. Help me to focus on love, which drives out fear and heals.

Thank you for the rain. Thank you for Preston and how he takes care of me. Thank you for the roofer finishing the house so quickly and for everyone who has prayed and helped with us getting our new home.

Help me to change who I am inside. Heal the hurt and scars. Open my ears and heart to really take in what You have to say to me. Help me to be loving and joyful. Strengthen my wheat qualities so I may go to heaven with your children and not be useless and end up in hell.

In Jesus' Name I pray,



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