
Showing posts from October, 2021

How I'm Learning to Parent my "Spirited" RAD Child

  How I’m Learning to Parent my “Spirited” RAD Child             As a baby and toddler my son threw intense tantrums that would last hours. This was my first child and I had zero experience with children before he was born. I knew babies cried and toddlers throw tantrums and even though it all seemed extreme to me I thought well maybe it’s normal and he will outgrow it. So I did what all the books said to do. I didn’t give in to what he wanted when he threw them. I ignored him and went about my business. Eventually he would scream himself to sleep.             However, as he got older, the tantrums didn’t stop. Instead they turned into full blown angry rages. He was just so so angry at the world it seemed. It was like he thought if he screamed and hollered and hit and kicked and bit and scratched he could push me and the world away from him and be alone.             I felt like I must be worried for no reason. I started him in therapy at the age of 3 and the counselor, doctors, t