Police Reports


March 21

Island Park

An arrest was made for driving without privileges on Highway 20.


A vehicle theft was reported.

March 22

Island Park


A dog was loose and biting a rancher's cows, trying to get a calf down.

March 23


Delivery driver reported the back of the building behind Nampa Auto Parts and 511 Main collapsed. 

March 24

Island Park

A possibly drunk driver headed north on highway 20 passed another vehicle in the turning lane near Ponds Lodge and brake checked that driver. 

Police arrested a dangerous driver on Highway 20 and 87 driving 100mph.

March 25

Island Park

An arrest was made for possession of a controlled substance. 

An arrest was made for a driving while intoxicated on Highway 20. The driver went off the road and the caller pulled him out. Afterwards, the driver kept changing speeds and swerving all over the road. The caller also said they may have hit a pole by the Osborn Bridge.

A report was made of a home on Browning Road with 5 feet of garbage piled on the porch all winter. 

Police assisted a vehicle in front of the bank that needed a jump start. 

An arrest was made for possession of a controlled substance on Highway 20. 

March 27


A vehicle on Highway 20 was speeding and cutting other vehicles off. 

An arrest was made by Vernon Bridge for DUI and open container. 

Island Park

An ambulance was sent to Anglers Lodge for a cancer patient struggling to breathe and a low blood oxygen level.

An arrest was made for aggravated assault in the Rancho McCrea subdivision. A drunk man with no clothes on showed up at his fathers house and tried to get his gun. He had threatened to shoot himself recently. The man threatened his father and requested his last meal. 


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