Police Reports


April 18


Neighbors of a woman on Highway 32 had logs piled up near her house and near the road. She called concerned the logs may roll onto the highway.

A possible domestic abuse was called in from Madison Memorial Hospital for a couple from Ashton. The couple were at the hospital for drug tests and the male punched the female right as they were leaving the hospital. 

A car flipped on Highway 32.

The grandson of a man on 1100 N in Ashton threatened to kill himself. The grandfather told police they had 200 guns there.

Someone reported a semi driver speeding on Highway 20.

Island Park

Police gave a verbal warning to someone at Elk Creek Station for possession of a controlled substance.

Police arrested someone at Yellowstone Towing for possession of a controlled substance. 

April 19


A truck was pulling a trailer on Highway 20 with the trailer unhooked and dragging.

A person broke down in the middle of the road on Highway 20. 

Island Park 

An arrest was made for inattentive driving on Highway 20. 

An arrest was made when a person called police because 3 vehicles were following him on Highway 20 for more than 12 exits. He told police something was wrong with his car and the people in the cars following him had done it. When he stopped for gas the people came after him and he had to keep taking off to get away from them. 

April 20


Cows were reported on Highway 20 with a calf headed toward the highway.

An ambulance was called for a 25 year old woman with a possible seizure who was non responsive. 

Island Park

A stump grinder smashed an empty flat bed truck.

Part of Highway 20 was closed due to a semi blocking traffic at the top of the pass on the Montana side. 

Police assisted a driver in a ditch off Highway 20. 

April 22


An ambulance was called for an 86 year old man with chest pressure and nausea at the Ashton Medical Clinic. 

A three wheeler tore up the gravel on a property on Cherry Street.

April 23


An arrest was made for a DUI on Highway 20. 

A possible drunk driver was reported driving erratically on 3700 E. The caller told police the driver had almost rear ended him and had almost ran another vehicle off the road. 

Someone called 911 with a man speaking in the background saying "Just hang on. It will be fun!" An ATV could be heard and then the call disconnected. 

Island Park

A hit and run was reported at Springhill Suites. No injuries reported.

April 24


A driver was pulled over for inattentive driving on Highway 20. 

A fire was called in from a previous fire that had been put out during NFF training that day.

Someone reported seeing a heavy set man with facial hair running away from Jackson's. 

Someone took campaign signs off property.

Island Park

Police assisted a woman whose motorhome ran out of fuel on Highway 20. 

An ambulance was called for a 73 year old woman with a temperature of 105.


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