Meet the new North Fremont High School Principal Mr. Zach Goulding!

1. What is your goal for this year? My goal this year is to support teachers and students. It will take me a little time to get acquainted with everyone, but I'm excited for the new challenge. 
2. What do you look forward to this year? I most look forward to working with middle school/high school age students. I've enjoyed working at an elementary school for the past year, but I always felt more comfortable working with older students. 
3. What is your favorite thing about being a principal? My favorite thing about being a principal is seeing all of the hard work that goes into raising kids. Whether that is through teachers putting in tons of time, or meeting with supportive parents. The saying "it takes a village to raise a kid" is very true from my experience. 
4. What is your biggest challenge as a principal? The biggest challenge to being a principal is seeing students who are going through hard times, especially when those hard times are completely out of the control of the kid. 
5. What advice would you give to students? My biggest advice to students is to work hard. There are so many different careers available to our students today, and sometimes I am surprised to hear how people can make a living. But I feel that no matter what career path a student chooses their success is largely dependent on how hard they work towards growing. 
6. What do you love to do on your days off?  I love spending time with my family. Most of my fun involves adventures we go on together whether that is a road trip or a simple afternoon hike. 
7. What is your favorite TV show and movie? My favorite movie is The Pursuit of Happyness, and my favorite TV show is Pardon the Interruption. 
8. What is something most don't know about you? Students would be surprised to know that I'm color blind. I try to avoid matching colors as much as possible, and I usually tell my own kids my favorite color is black or grey. 
9. What Hogwarts class would you be in? I'm not sure which class I would be in, but my wife tells me I would be in Hufflepuff. I'm not sure why. 
10. What made you want to be a principal? There are several reasons I have worked to become a principal, but the biggest reason is because I have had several principals who have influenced me for the better and I hope to do the same for others. I have been a principal for 2 years. 
11.  What is something your job has taught you? Something that I have learned in my job is that students can surprise you. I try to keep my expectations of students high, and then let them prove me right.  
12. What is your favorite thing about Ashton?  My favorite thing about Ashton is how close it is to so many amazing adventures. People spend fortunes to come and have experiences that are all around us. I also really like Big Jud's burgers.  
13. What is something funny that has happened to you in your career? I taught middle school for 8 years, and almost every day something happened that made me laugh (not always out loud). That is such a crazy time for kids and they make some interesting decisions. 
14. Where are you from originally? I was born in Rexburg and lived in Parker, Idaho for the first few years of my life. I then moved to Chester which is where I still live. The opportunity to become a principal is what brought me to Ashton. Also, I have family who live here and I love smaller schools, so I felt it was a good fit for me.  
15.What makes you happy?  Something that makes me happy is my family. My kids are at a fun age so I'm trying to enjoy it while I can.


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