Police Reports


September 12


A hay truck dropped a hay bale off his trailer in the middle of 1200 North.

Island Park

A man lost his pistol on FS Road 455 when he set it on the bedrail of his truck.

A semi stalled when his air brakes went out on Highway 20 in the Northbound lane near Pinehaven.

An arrest was made for inattentive driving on Highway 20.

September 13


Someone reported smelling marijuana from a vehicle that could not maintain its lane on Highway 20 headed North. 

A truck was reported going 90 mph down the Ashton Hill.

Cows were reported loose by Loosli Cellars.

Island Park

Someone reported a truck off Highway 20 that had been parked off the side of the road in the trees for about a month.

A road rage incident was reported on Highway 20 when a woman accidently had her brights on and a truck in front of her slammed on his brakes and stopped in the road. When the woman passed the vehicle, he began tailgating and brighting her then eventually sped up and passed her. 

A civil complaint was called in for property line dispute on Goose Bay Drive.

September 14

Island Park

A civil complaint was filed in Island Park due to an ex with a no contact order staying in a woman's RV in Island Park that she is the sole owner of.

Someone requested to speak to an officer concerning parking issues on his or her property on Larch Street. 

Cows were reported across from Ponds Lodge by the Ranger Station.

Shots were reported near Connie's on the West side of Highway 20.

September 15


An ambulance was called for someone who was run over by a tractor tire and having a hard time breathing on Cave Falls Road. 

A semi was following too close to another vehicle and unable to maintain its lane on Highway 20 from Chester to Ashton. 

A barking dog was reported at a trailer on Highland Street. 

Island Park

Cows were reported outside the fence just south of Henrys Lake State Park.

Someone reported a vehicle passed them going 100 mph by the Osborne Bridge.

September 16

Island Park

A fire was reported down Yale Kilgore on the south side across from Stamp Meadows.

A possible rollover with a woman with unknown injuries was reported on Highway 20.

The hood of a car flew off a semi on Highway 20 causing a hazard.

A man in full camo parked high truck in someone's yard on Chickasaw Drive. The man grabbed a backpack and bow and walked away.

September 17


A truck broke down and was blocking the Northbound Lane of Highway 20.

A truck was reported on its side on 3100 East when teens were messing around and ran off the road. 

An ambulance was called for an 88-year-old man throwing up with severe abdominal pain at the Ashton Nursing Home. 

Island Park

A 12-year-old girl on Yale Kilgore Road refused to go with her family. After being asked to load wood she decided to walk home to Jefferson County.

A non-injury accident occurred at Macks Inn at the entrance to the Springhill Suites.

Cows were reported in Last Chance just past the Grub House on Highway 20.

Someone was setting off fireworks on Montauk Drive.

Someone reported a beat-up looking truck on Lemon Lake Road with nobody around it.

A vehicle was reported speeding and passing unsafely on Highway 20. 

September 18


A cow was reported out on Highway 20.

An ambulance was called for an 88 year old man who picked something off his calf causing it to bleed a lot and not stop. 

Island Park

Cows were reported at the Ranger Station on the Highway.

Two side by sides were reported spinning cookies at the intersection of Sawtelle and turnoff to Stonegate.

A vehicle hit a calf elk on Highway 20.


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