Little Church Big Heart

Wilferd A. Peterson once said, "In cathedral or cottage, the art of worship is an inner adventure; it is the personal practice of the presence of God."

Many come to Island Park for an adventure in the outdoors in God's natural beauty. Little Church in the Pines was built in 1941 to give people both living in and visiting Island Park a place to meet to experience and worship that same God. 

"Regardless of busyness, upon my arrival and entering our historic Sanctuary, I know that I am exactly where God intends me to be at this precise moment in time," said church-goer Connie Funkhouser. 

For many years the church hosted pastors and leaders from surrounding churches who would come in to lead worship on various Sundays. 

Ninety-year-old Betty Benjamin remembers her Idaho Falls church taking turns leading worship for the Little Church in the Pines. She also attended with her family while they vacationed in Island Park in the summertime. 

The church is non-denominational and welcomes everyone in just as they are.

"We all worshiped one God," Benjamin said about the different churches leading worship at this one church sanctuary. 

But in 2015 current Pastor Tom Shanor began to fill in for two pastors who were having to drive in from Idaho Falls on Sundays. Eventually this led to Pastor Tom, as the church calls him, becoming its first year-round pastor.

"The best thing about the church is definitely the pastor, Tom Shanor, and the people who attend with us," church-goer Carolyn Giannini said. 

Although the church has grown and added a voyeur, office space, kitchen, restrooms and basement over the years, the historic original sanctuary remains intact. So many today add their voices and hearts to those that have come before.

"The original sanctuary is magical," Funkhouser said. "You just know that you have entered the House of the Lord."

In addition to the original sanctuary building the welcoming spirit of the church has not changed over the decades. 

"We can depend on the sermons to be interesting and uplifting, "Giannini said. "The people are friendly and dedicated to their Christian values and to the little church. They are always willing to help with whatever is needed."

Something about Island Park Idaho just seems to create a peaceful loving home to both visitors and residents alike. 

"My favorite thing about Island Park is the people...wait, its the scenery...oh and the wildlife... and the beautiful sunsets...and the fantastic sunrises," Giannini said. "Frankly there is nothing about Island Park I don't like."

Many, like Benjamin's family, have grown up coming to Island Park and now share that with their own families. 

"I think it was the summers in Island Park with my children," Benjamin said when asked what she loved most about the town. "They play in the water and they still love it. My grandchildren love too."

Funkhouser can't imagine herself anywhere else knowing in her heart and soul this town and church are her home and family. 

"The beauty, the mountains and the community of Island Park," Funkhouser said when asked her favorite part about the town. "Living and working in God's country is a blessing. I do my best daily to live my life in gratitude, giving God all the glory and praise."


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