Police Reports


October 24


Someone reported a suspicious vehicle sitting on the East side of the river on their property on 4000 East.

There was a cow close to Highway 20 near Tri State Tire.

Fraud was reported at Jacksons when a person was going around saying they lost their credit cards and needed money to get to the Salt Lake airport.

Island Park

An accident was reported on Highway 20 with the vehicle on the side of the highway with all 4 wheels up.

October 25


An arrest was made for inattentive driving on Highway 20.

Cows were loose in the Jolly Camper RV campground.

A rollover accident was reported on Highway 20.

Island Park

A vehicle hit a deer on Highway 20 about 4 miles south of the Osborn Bridge. The caller told police the deer was still alive, and he would put it down.

An ambulance was called for a 67-year-old man who needed a catheter and had been bleeding. 

October 26


A mother tried to kill herself after she and her boyfriend got into a fight. The mother told her daughter in California she had cut her wrists.

Island Park

An ambulance was called for a 74-year-old man lying on the floor dizzy and vomiting and disoriented.

A suspicious person was reported in Pinehaven wearing full camo, walking around an excavator watching for people watching him. 

A semi was reported passing a snowplow. 

October 27


Someone put keys that were left on equipment at Grandview Lane in the ignition and left it on until the battery died in it. 

A vehicle hit a deer on Highway 20. 

A welfare check was requested for a woman whose family told police she was currently manic and had send them messages she was going to try to kill herself. 

October 28


A cow was reported near a pond on 3500 East missing half of its back leg and is laying down and not up and moving. The caller was worried the cow may be suffering. 

Someone reported a dog locked in a vehicle outside Big Judd's for several hours.

Island Park

A rollover accident was reported on Yale Kilgore and Stamp Meadows when a truck slid off and slipped and began smoking. The caller reported the truck may have been carrying gas or propane and nobody was out of the vehicle. 

A death was reported on Ammon Circle after someone had begun talking to himself and ran off into the woods with wet shoes and clothing. 

A man in his 70s collapsed outside of his vehicle at the Island Park Landfill after running another vehicle off the road.

Field and game requested police help in a possible poaching in the Meadow Creek Lodge Area.

October 29


Someone reported their neighbors' dogs on Highland Street had been barking all day and nobody had been home since the previous day.

Island Park

An arrest was made for possession of a controlled substance on Highway 20.

October 30


An arrest was made for a DUI.

A woman hit a deer just west of North Fremont High School.

A semi was reported pulled over just South of the Ashton construction after almost running several people off the road and swerving into oncoming traffic. The caller was concerned the driver may be having a medical issue. 

Island Park

Someone clipped a cow elk on Highway 20.


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