Fixing Problems

Preston is so depressed and angry and stressed out and exhausted. I can help by maybe talking to Angie/Craig about backing off some at work and explaining what is happening with us at home? Also I have got to step up and help more. I need to keep the house clean so he doesn't have to do so much and be stressed about that along with everything else. I also need to really focus on working with the boys...both on keeping them busy and on behavior management. I need to focus on loving on him and on building relationships to strengthen our family bond with each other. I need to pray and do devotions and Bible reading with the boys so he can hear it too as well as staying calm myself and trusting in God for everything. He could have daddy son dates where he just spends time one on one with the boys as well as the two of us spending time alone.

I need to really start focusing on self-care and sleep and eating and exercising. I cannot change the past but I can learn to confront and heal from it in therapy and through journaling and prayer. It is not my responsibility to help Josh. I can pray for him and I can just know and remember and understand why is the way he is so maybe my fear and anger toward him will dissipate but I also have to be very careful and stay as far as possible from him. Right now I am medicating and in therapy. In order to have more wins in my life to build up my self-confidence I have to really get out and do more and try to prove I can do it.

- bring Preston coffee
- give a long and loving hug
- tell him thank you for always being there for me and holding me and taking care of me
- put date ideas once week on the calendar and set as appointments!
- exercise - walk 5 miles - at end of day see how many steps I have and then go for a walk take dogs with me if I can for however many more I need to reach 10000
- Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - must exercise! watch a show or movie for sure these nights and exercise during it! also Tuesday nights watch a show and paint nails
- plan meals in the mornings when I wake up for the following day and make sure I have what I need ready to go
- do chores - dishes and laundry and 1 room a day
- kids - Bible reading, education, life skills, behavior management focus; make a consequence jar for them; one family activity a day and one date night with a parent a week- we can take turns switching with them each week
- journal each morning and evening


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