IP News: A Small Town Paper with a Big Heart


Island Park News may report the news from a small town in Idaho, but even though only 286 people call Island Park home year-round, each year the "small" town, which spans 33 miles, sees tens of thousands of tourists visit or drive through. That's a lot of people who recreate and vacation in an area.

Ann Marie Anthony, publisher and editor for the Island Park News since 2013, covers all entertainment and news and new businesses that happen in Island Park. 

"I try to keep my finger on all issues effecting the folks that live here and meeting all those folks," Anthony said in an email. 

A typical day for Anthony involves reading through hundreds of emails and making decisions on what to include in the weekly paper.

Instead of choosing to retire and relax, Anthony spends her days reading hundreds of emails and deciding what to put in each week's paper. She works daily and attends multiple events and places meeting lots of people and keeping up to date with everything she can.

"The community of people is outstanding," Anthony said of Island Park. "Always willing to help with anything and support everything."

Since Elizabeth Laden began the newspaper in 1997, Anthony has seen it grow over the years into so much more including up to the minute Facebook posts and an online edition for those no longer living in Island Park who still want to be informed. 

After Laden passed in 2012 the community asked Anthony if she would consider restarting the newspaper that so many loved and looked forward to. 

In addition to editing and publishing the newspaper, an already full time job, Anthony works hard to try and make her town a better place. She had always wanted a local school and currently serves on the school board for the Island Park Charter School that began a few years ago. 

Now she hopes to see a community center open up as well as one day see affordable housing options in Island Park. 

Thanks to Anthony's hard work locals, tourists and those who have had to move but whose hearts still remain here can keep up to date on local news. 



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