Be Kind

My youngest, Jaece, so excited to help us shovel snow off the steps at our house! Oh Lord let him always keep that kind heart of his so thrilled to help and bring joy to others. 

Thursday, February 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day. I can't even begin to list the number of people and deeds done to help me in my past and every single day. It's overwhelming some days the love and kindness of others. On the other hand, I have recently changed jobs from cleaning, which suited my shy anti-social self perfectly to working the front desk at a resort, which is the exact opposite of hiding away in a room or cabin and cleaning by myself in peace. The work is so much less physically demanding but oh it's tested my emotions.

    I've seen and felt in my heart and soul the anger and meanness of so many people from all over the country and world. And it hurts. Beneath the anger I know is pain. Pain from others' hurting them and being mean to them. Like the virus we've all come to dread and hate so much, the one that has split us as a human race in heated arguments, this mean spirit in the world has also spread and multiplied, eating away at the inside of so many souls. 

    So let's change it! One small act at a time let's spread love and kindness and change this darkness in the world to light. 

    There are so many small and big things we can do for each other every single day. There are many different kindness calendars or ideas you can google and print out to follow. Random Acts of Kindness has several different ones. Also WonderMomWannabe and Natural Beach Living websites have ones you can do with little ones. 


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