Police Reports



Jan 31

Fire call. A shop with flammables inside was on fire. Nobody inside.

Feb 1

Ashton police met AirMed at the Ashton Stake Center to assist. 

Ashton medical clinic reported a 52 year old male with chest pain and numbness in his left arm. 

Feb 2

An arrest was made at Dave's Jubilee for possession of a controlled substance. 

Feb 3

Ambulance called for a 64 year old male with chest pains and recent pancreatitis. 

A person hacked into someone's snapchat account and posted and saved pictures of her children.

Feb 4

Juvenile threatened suicide.

Bathroom vandalism reported at North Fremont High School. 

One vehicle rollover accident. 

Accident involving a 10 wheeler reported on Highway 20 northbound close to Ashton. Injuries reported included an unconscious passenger and a drivers legs pinned. 

An ambulance was called for a 53 year old diabetic male with high blood pressure who was unconscious at Big Jud's. 

Feb 5

Someone called in loose dogs running near Spruce Street. He was worried they might bite his children. 

Feb 6

Person reported vehicles blocking their home and they couldn't get in. 

Someone reported her nephew, who has vehicular manslaughter charges from the past, passed her on 32. He pulled over then he followed her down the road. He then pulled to the side of her car and tried to run her off the road. She reported she is worried he will try to run her off the road again in the future. 


Jan 31

A scam was reported to police involving a company out of Florida claiming to be Blue Cross/Blue Shield. They sent the reporting party a phone and made an appointment with him. When checking with his insurance company they informed him they don't think it really is Blue Cross/Blue Shield but someone wanting his information. 

Feb 2

A man reported his wife tripped and fell down some stairs. He reported she has been up and around but feels sore and is bruised. 

A man reported he can't get his car back after he left for a couple months and they fixed his vehicle but now refuse to return it to him. 

Feb 3

An arrest was made for possession of a controlled substance during a vehicle search. 

Police responded to help a motorist with engine problems or possible fuel outage north of Osborne Bridge. 

Feb 6

Police were called to help a man in a flat bed pickup with a trailer was stuck on a groomed trail by Stage Stop and Big Springs Road. 

Police assisted a motorist on Highway 20 just past Red Rock Road heading North. A tire came off his car. He had a spare tire but didn't know how to change it. 

An arrest was made for possession of a controlled substance near Macks Inn. 


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