Police Reports


April 4

Island Park

Someone littered in the Elk Creek Station dumpster despite the $500 fine for doing so. 


Someone reported a bald eagle in a ditch off Highway 20. 

A child reported he locked him or herself in his or her bedroom because his or her parents were trying to beat him or her with a ball hitch.

There was a tree in the roadway on 1100 N.

April 5

Island Park

Four slide offs were reported on highway 20 while driving in whiteout conditions on black ice. 

A van was reported flipped on its side on Highway 20 at the state line blocking the road. 

Someone reported a possible break in at the one of the Pines cabins basements. There was beer bottles and crumbs in the bed. The person reporting suspects it may be a former employee and thinks the person might come back again. 

Someone reported 2 people on bicycles huddled up by the shop at Henrys Lake Station. The person reported was concerned they may be hurt or freezing. 

An arrest was made for reckless driving on Highway 20.


 A neighbor's trash can was reported tipped over on 1100 N. Neighbors told police trash was blowing all over everyone's yards and it was really bad. 

April 6


An arrest was made for possession of a controlled substance on highway 20.

A man was arrested for a weapons violation. He was reported being suicidal and weapons were reported in the garage and house.

A person was reported brandishing a gun and having access to a safe full of guns. The person was bloodied from breaking windows and had been shooting while inside the house. The reporting party advised police the person may attempt suicide by cop. 

A neighbor reported their neighbor's dogs were barking for 2 hours straight on Highland.

Someone found a fire arm on the side of Highway 32.

Island Park

Someone found a Ruger 380 off the side of Highway 20 and Elk Creek.

April 7


There was lumber and logs on Highway 20 near Ashton.

April 8

Island Park

An arrest was made for possession of a controlled substance on Highway 20. 


A bush fire was reported on Hog Hollow Road. At the time of the report there were no major flames but the wind was picking up and it was smoldering. 

An ambulance responded to Marysville Hill Road for a 44 year old female with high blood pressure who fell and kept passing out. 

An arrest was made for a DUI on Highway 47. 

A shed was on fire on Highland Street near a propane tank. 

April 9


Police helped a driver on Fishermans Drive.

April 10

Island Park

Police helped a driver who hit a pot hole on Highway 20. 


An arrest was made for possession of a controlled substance on Grandview Lane. 

A man reported high ex keeps stealing from his mothers house and his truck. So far she has reportedly stolen a playstation, a .22 long rifle and cell phones.

April 11

Island Park

An arrest was made for possession of a controlled substance on Chick Creek and Highway 20.


A vehicle hit a semi almost head on on Highway 20. The driver of the semi reported a hurt leg and the driver of the vehicle had no injuries.


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