Police Reports


May 9 


Police were called to help a driver stuck on Highway 20 in the middle of the northbound lane behind another larger vehicle also stuck on the highway. 

Police were called to a rollover accident with a head injury off Highway 32.

May 10


The person driving a truck pulling a trailer on Highway 20 was throwing eggs out his window trying to hit signs and swerving all over the road. 

An arrest was made for driving while possessing on the corner of Fremont and 9th St. 

A vehicle hit a deer on Highway 20 and the deer was still alive.

May 11

Island Park

A person reported 3 grizzly bears in his or her yard that would not leave. 

A person reported a vehicle swerving, speeding and tailgating on Highway 20. 

An arrest was made for possession of a controlled substance at the Harriman State Park pullout off Highway 20. 


A vehicle was reported on Highway 20 swerving into oncoming traffic.

A dead deer was blocking the northbound lane of Highway 32.

May 12

Island Park

A person asked for a police officer to meet him at his vacation rental property. The housekeeper had reported there were people there although nobody should have been there.


Children threw eggs at someone's garage and children on Fremont Street.

A down power line was reported across 2nd street and on grass between the tennis courts and apartments. 

May 13


A tree fell at the top of the Ashton hill and was blocking all lanes. 

A person reported she had seen a deer get hit by a truck that didn't stop and the deer was still alive and injured. 

A power pole was down on Highway 47.

Island Park

Police conducted a welfare check on an elderly couple on Aspen Ridge Road who were not answering their phones for over 12 hours when their son called. The son told police his dad hits his mom and he is in Nevada. He told police both his parents have multiple medical conditions. He reported he was afraid it could be a murder suicide. 

May 14


Someone reported a couple children at the elementary school riding an ATV and a motorcycle with no helmets speeding and cutting cookies. 

Island Park

Police assisted a vehicle stranded on Highway 20.

Three people with 2 dogs called to report they were stuck on Green Canyon Road and had almost no cell service.

A dead deer was reported on Highway 20 blocking the southbound lane.

A person has been messaging a deputies wife because he is upset about being pulled over.

May 15


A drunk man had an accident on Highway 32. Skid marks showed where he went off the road and into a ditch and then back on the road again. The driver had 2 flat tires.

Island Park

A caller reported that people were driving too fast in a 45mph zone on Highway 20 and truckers were using their compression brakes.

An ambulance was called for a 2 year old with a peanut allergy.

An intoxicated woman showed up with blood on her sweatshirt at a lodge in Island Park. The woman said she was from Nevada and was with a rental. The man who had been with her never returned but the woman had blood in her mouth and a swollen lip. The caller guessed she had been pushed or punched.

A neighbor at a residence in Last Chance kept going on neighbors porches. Neighbors reported they have had past issues with the man. 

Police assisted a driver who went off road on Highway 20. The driver, who had a heart condition, was stuck in a snow bank and couldn't get out after having shoveled for hours. There was also a small child with the couple in the vehicle. 

Island Park


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