National Bomb Pop Day


What better way to remember our childhood days of ice cream trucks and 4th of July BBQs than the bomb pop? I remember as a child the hot hot Texas sun where I grew up and playing outside in my shorts and tank tops hearing that musical chime of the truck come down our block. I remember the pure joy I felt as I ran inside to beg my mom for money for ice cream. I remember the icy taste of the popsicle in my mouth while my body cooled slightly from the extreme Texas heat of the summer. 

This delicious treat was created during the Cold War between the United States and Russia. While the original bomb pops included three flavors of cherry, lime and blue raspberry today there are many more flavor and color options to choose from. 

You can buy some of this iconic treat at Walmart or Albertsons in Rexburg to celebrate the summer and the 4th of July.


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