Police Reports


May 31


A deer was hit 5-10 miles North of Ashton on the west side of Highway 20.

A person wants to pursue charges against a man in Idaho Falls who stole several large boulders from her property last fall. 

Island Park

An arrest was made for possession of a controlled substance on Highway 20.

A person reported his neighbor keeps letting their dogs out and they use his cabin property with renters in it to use the bathroom.

An arrest was made for inattentive driving on Highway 20. 

An ambulance was called for a 63 year old man who was nonresponsive on Redtail Drive.

A man threatened to shoot someone's dogs off Highway 20. The person with the dogs ran when he went into his house to get something and came back out again.

June 1


The tire on a Pepsi truck had smoke coming off it on Highway 20. 

An ambulance was called for a 63 year old man who fell in the garage and had a scrape on his arm on 8th Street.

An ambulance called for a 78 year old woman who fell and may have hit her head on the toilet. The caller advised the woman had been sick for a few weeks and had had a stroke previously.

Island Park

An ambulance was called for a 43 year old woman who was feeling weak and like she may pass out with a history of diabetes. 

Police were called for a 4 wheeler parked on a trailer parked in the middle of the road on North Big Springs Loop Road. 

Multiple calls were received for a controlled burn behind Valley View in Island Park. 

An ambulance was called for a 73 year old woman whose left side was underneath a horse. The caller reported her thigh looked like it had been stepped on and was painful.

Someone called the police about a bad guy who was running from him. The caller told dispatch he had just retired from the marines and had a bad feeling about the man he was calling about.

Someone called for a fish and game violation when they witnessed a man fishing in a no fishing area on the bridge over Henry's Fork off South Big Springs Loop Road.

June 2


An ambulance was called for a 49 year old man with weakness and weight loss unable to keep food down off Cedar Lake Lane.

An ambulance was called for a 47 year old woman with chest pain and weakness off Cedar Lake Lane.

Island Park

An arrest was made for a DUI after a truck hit a power pole knocking the power out on South Chief Joseph Drive.  

June 3


Someone called in a reckless driver on Highway 20.

A driver on Highway 20 was driving 90 mph.

Someone hit a deer on Highway 20.

A complaint report was filed against a survey company who didn't give 2 days notice on 1200 North.

June 4

Island Park

An elderly couple hit a deer on Highway 20 but continued to drive toward West Yellowstone. When the vehicle overheated an officer from West Yellowstone got the couple a hotel room for the night. 

Someone hit an elk by Elk Creek Station. 

Two 3 year olds were reported missing on Mortensen Lane.

An ambulance was called for someone who was thrown from a horse at Harriman State Park with back pain. 

Someone reported a forest fire right above Stoddard Mill Pond in Shotgun Valley.

Someone reported a jet boat on Henry's Lake speeding in the slow area of the lake. 

A welfare check was called on a person or animal possibly locked in a vehicle at Cafe Sabor. 

A van got stuck sideways in the middle of the road on Arangee Lane behind someone's cabin. 

Someone called police to help him after he had been walking all day and was lost on South Antelope Flats Road with no water. 

Two people decided to camp in a no camping area by Henrys Lake. 

Theft of a purse from a vehicle was reported from Lakeside Lodge. 


Two men got into a fight when one started taking stuff off the other's property. He told the property owner he would be back later to burn his house down. 

June 5

Island Park

A neighbor trespassed on his neighbors property swearing on North Shore Lane.

Someone hit a deer on Highway 20.


Four kids on an ATV were speeding up the road on Highland Street. 

June 6

Island Park

An ambulance was called for a 72 year old man with a heart condition who was weak and having trouble breathing on Aspen Drive. 

A man reported being sexually assaulted in an apartment off Highway 20.

Someone called in a pick up truck driving erratically on Highway 20. 

Someone reported shots fired off South Big Springs Loop Road. 


A vehicle hit a tractor off 1300 North.

Someone called in a bunch of orange kittens playing on the right side of Highway 20 about 2 miles up the Ashton hill. 


Kids on 4 wheelers spun doughnuts on someone's lawn on 3600 East.


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