Math 2.0 Day


July 8 is Math 2.0 day which celebrates the importance of Math. The first math ever used would have been knowledge of numbers using animal bones to count objects. Egyptian and other civilizations beginning to use algebra and other more advanced mathematics. 

While many kids can struggle in this subject and begin to dislike it, math can be fun. Solving a math problem can be like solving a puzzle or a riddle. 

"I like being able to use what I know to figure out what I don't know," Ashton Elementary School principal Collin Stewart said. "For me, that is what math is all about."

Connie Day, teacher at Island Park Charter School, loves teaching her students the subject.

"Math is not about following rules or steps to get answers," Day said. "That's boring! Math is about thinking - using what you know and solving problems, learning new strategies, and finding shortcuts. Learning and practicing math stretches our brains and helps us to see things in new ways."

Many kids believe they will never use math in real life, but this is just not true. Without math we could never have started growing in the fields of science or technology or finance or many other fields.

"I may not use all the math concepts I learned throughout my education on a daily basis, but I use math all the time," Stewart said. "I like to build things so I have to make measurements and figure out how much of a certain material I may need for a particular project."



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