Meet the new Ashton Elementary School Principal Collin Stewart!


1. What is your goal for this year? Learn all the student's names and develop positive relationships with them

2. What do you look forward to this year? Meeting new people and getting to know the community

3. What is your favorite thing about being a principal? This is my first year as principal so I'm not sure what my favorite thing is yet but I would say working with kids.

4. What is your biggest challenge as a principal? To be completely honest, parents who want exceptions made for their children when there has been a blatant disregard for rules

5. What advice would you give to students? Do your very best every day.

6. What do you love to do on your days off? Spend time with my family

7. What is your favorite TV show and movie? TV show- I don't watch much TV but I like Monk. Movie- I have a lot of favorites depending on the genre but my all time favorite movie is Empire of the Sun

8. What is something most don't know about you?  I have an eye condition called keratoconus

9. What Hogwarts class would you be in? According to Pottermore, Ravenclaw. According to me, Huffleclawslythendor (I think I'm a mix of all of them.)

10. What made you want to be a principal? I love being a teacher but I felt that I could make a bigger difference at the administrative level.

11. What is something your job has taught you? All students can learn, no matter what.

12. What is your favorite thing about Ashton? The chicken strips at Dave's Jubilee (for now). I'm sure other things will become "more favorite" as I learn more and get to know the community.

13. What is something funny that has happened to you in your career?  I had a student legit believe I was a vampire.

14. Where are you from originally? I was born in Texas but moved to Orem Utah when I was 2 months old. We then moved to Vancouver Washington when I was six, so that's where I'm from. However, I have lived in Idaho longer than I've lived anywhere else.

15. What makes you happy? A lot of things make me happy but I think I am happiest when I am doing something that has to do with music or my family.


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