Police Reports


June 27

Island Park

Someone reported a semi headed north with fire and smoke coming out of the top of the stacks. 

A campground host at Box Canyon Campground called police after he told a group of people not staying in the campground not to bring ATVs in and the people were verbally rude in response. The group remained in the gate area trying to get in after being asked to leave. 

June 28

Island Park

Someone called police about three ATVs not on the trail but in the road between Macks Inn and Last Chance.

A nose complaint was called in for a rental property on Yale Kilgore Road that had a train horn after the caller had called the rental management company the day before. 

Someone reported a truck headed South on Highway 20 crossing the center lane.

Police assisted a pontoon boat that wouldn't start on Henrys Lake. 

An accident was reported on Highway 20. 

Police arrested a woman for DUI at the Elk Creek post office


Police and North Fremont Fire responded to a fire alarm going off in a house on Idaho Street. 

A stop work order was posted on Walnut Street for a city ordinance violation.

A reckless driver was called in headed South on Highway 20 turning into Daves Jubilee.

June 29


An ambulance was called for a 78 year old woman who fell and injured her hip on Main Stree.

A traffic stop on Main Street resulted in an arrest for drugs. 

A 4 foot spool of electrical wire was taken from a property on Teepee Lane a month ago.

A next door Air B&B property to a caller was having a party and flying a drone that was upsetting the callers livestock. 

Island Park

An arrest was made for possession of a controlled substance and no insurance on Highway 20.

Someone reported having trespassing issues with a neighbor on Glen Tree Drive. 

Loose cows were reported on Highway 20. 

June 30


A caller reported a tree in a barrow pit blocking view from tenants coming out of the trailer court on 1300 North. The caller had already called the county and was upset it still hadn't been moved. 

A caller got home to find his or her 62 year old father deceased on 1300 North. 

Island Park

Two cows were loose on Highway 20 by Henrys Lake.

Road rage was reported on Highway 20 when a Mercedes was aggressively passing and throwing things out of his vehicle headed south. 

Two dogs were loose from an RV at Buffalo Campground. One jumped through the screen on the RV.

A deer got hit on Red Rock Road but was still alive.

A deer got hit on Highway 87 and was still alive. 

Police were dispatched for possession of a controlled substance at Robins Roost. 

A 1 vehicle accident occurred on Highway 20 with no injuries and no blockage. 

July 1


Someone reported there were people driving vehicles into Teardrop Lake.

A truck headed into Fremont County from Teton kept passing people and speeding.

A homeowner called police after a dispute with fireplace workers about money. When they wanted more money the homeowner said they pushed in on the door and he or she closed it. 

A woman called police when she saw activity on her trail camera and heard her dog whimpering outside like he was injured on Fishermans Drive. She told police it was just her and her three children and she was seeing and hearing things that were scaring her. 

Three or four 4 wheelers kept racing up and down roads near Highland Street. 

Island Park

A fatality accident occurred on Highway 20. 

An ambulance was called for an 81 year old having shortness of breath and confusion. 

Police were called to a residence in North Pinehaven when a boy with a psych history and autism began physically and verbally attacking his father. The boy was taking his medication and did not have any weapons but the father had to keep pushing him away. 

A vehicle hit a moose and was blocking the northbound lane on Highway 20.

A vehicle hit a deer or elk on Highway 87.

A person with Cowen homes requested a police officer to attend a homeowners association meeting the following day. The association is having problems with an individual who may decide to come to the meeting and be disruptive. 

July 2 


A possible drunk driver was called in after pulling into an Exxon from Highway 20 after passing a semi and pushing oncoming traffic off the road. 

An ambulance was called for a woman in her 30s bleeding from her forehead after being hit by an unknown object on Cedar Lake Lane. 

Police assisted a semi broken down in a lane on Highway 20. 

The lightning storm hit a line on 1400 North causing it to fall to the ground and start a small fire. 

Island Park

Someone called in suspicious circumstances at a large cabin with many people staying in it on Quakie Lane. After seeing scrawled in the dust of one of several large vans the words "We've been kidnapped. Please help" the person noticed the cabin held several teen girls all in skirts and that cars were parked inches apart so nobody could get through them. She also reported hearing what sounded like chanting the night before. After police investigated it was discovered to be a group of young Jewish girls at a youth camp who had been singing, not chanting. 

Police assisted 9 people stuck on a boat for more than 30 minutes that needed help getting off the lake at the Island Park Reservoir. 

A man in his late 60s was injured in an ATV accident off Enchanted Forrest and Yale Kilgore. The man injured his knee, ribs, shoulder and arm. 

An arrest was made after a truck hit an ATV with 4 people in it on Buttermilk Road. 

A woman requested an officer to test a substance she found in her vehicle. The woman had left her windows rolled down during the rain storm that hit and when she went to go roll them back up she found an orange substance and a hose and can. She touched her mouth after touching them and it went numb.

Someone reported a green canoe with nobody in it that flowed into a rock ledge over to Bills Island.

Police assisted someone on Mortensen Lane who could not get into a bedroom where two children were asleep. The person had tried banging on the door to wake them but couldn't get them to wake up.

An ambulance was called to Old Highway 191 for a man possibly having a heart attack.

An ambulance was called to Elk Drive for an 81 year old woman whose nose had been bleeding for a couple of days. Her doctor had told her it wasn't bad enough to go to the doctor for it.

July 3

Island Park

An ambulance was called for someone speaking Spanish and requesting an ambulance on Highway 20. 

An ambulance was called to Winchester Road for a 44 year old man having seizures who had hit his head. 

An ambulance was called to Timber Heights for a 71 year old man who fell in the bath and thought he might have a concussion. 

Someone reported a paddle boat stolen off the dock the night before at B Street. He also mentioned an issue with a neighbor's dog. 

A few black cows were reported on the side of Highway 20.

Theft of signs was reported at Two Top Estates. The signs cost approximately $200.

An accident occurred at South Big Springs Loop Road.

Trespassers were caught on Wise Owl Way but refused to identify themselves. 

Someone had an issue with a customer doing donuts on Jewell Way.

An arrest was made for a fish and game violation of people fishing at the Big Springs boat launch area. 

An ambulance was called for an 8 year old who was bleeding and had skin pulled off his knee cap on South Beaver Springs Road.

A car versus a semi accident occurred on Highway 20. 

A vehicle hit a deer on Highway 20. The deer was still alive though both legs were broken.

Barking and aggressive dogs were reported on Old Highway 191. 

A verbal warning was given to people lighting off fireworks on Chickasaw Drive.

A fireworks complaint was called in for people launching aerial fireworks on David Drive.


An accident occurred when a car backed into another car.

July 4


Ashton Family Dollar reported finding a loaded glock with hollow points in their bathroom. 

A one person accident occurred on Coyote Meadows. The person got a ride back to town and had no injuries. She informed police it was a rollover accident downhill. 

Someone reported people were shooting guns toward his house on Elk Loop Road from only 1000 feet away. 

A parking complaint was made by Jims Boat Docks. 

Island Park

An arrest was made when a drunk 22 year old man was pushing a 21 year old woman down. The man has a history of doing this. 

Extra patrol was requested at Island Park Rentals.

An ambulance was called for a 9 year old boy on Pine Crest Drive having a grand maul seizure who had forgotten to take his medication.

Threats were made to the owner of a dock on the water in the Cowen Subdivision. The neighboring dock owner had started verbal fights and had threatened physical harm every time the owner went to the dock.

A dead deer was blocking the right hand lane heading north on Highway 20. 

A truck hit a stop sign at Henrys Lake at the entrance going in.

Someone shot at a cabin at night on Antelope Street. The person in the cabin found bullet holes in the front deck and the house.

A truck driving on Highway 20 was not maintaining speed or his lane.

Police responded to a suicide threat on Bluebell Lane. The caller told police a 23 year old woman was with her boyfriend on the lake in a boat and kept sending the caller photos of coffins and saying she was going to kill herself. 


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