Police Reports


July 11


A welfare check was called in for a man on Golden Eagle Drive by a woman in Oklahoma.

A grass fire was called in on the north side of Ashton by the railroad tracks. 

Island Park

An ambulance was called for a 2-year-old boy with a fever and shivering at Springhill Suites.

An ambulance was called for a man parked at a bar in Island Park. The man had had a headache and neck pain earlier in the day. After drinking a Rockstar and finishing his construction job he began to experience extreme pain in his head and began vomiting.

An ambulance was called for a possible broken hip on Cherokee Road.

A man in Utah who owns property on Huckleberry Lane asked police to check his property for squatters due to his power bill going up despite nobody being there.

A report was made from Last Chance General Store about panhandlers in vehicles who left headed North.

An ambulance was called for a 74-year-old woman who fell and had gashes and skin tears and needed help getting up.

July 12


A three-vehicle accident was reported on Highway 20 when a cement truck was trying to turn onto 1100 North and was hit. 

A welfare check was called in for a 70-year-old fly fisherman on the trestle trail at Bear Gulch.

A welfare check was called in for a man and 2 kids broken down on the side of Highway 20. The caller told police the vehicle was hard to see despite the hazards being on and the man wearing a head lamp and was concerned for their safety. 

An accident was reported behind the Ashton Quick Stop. 

Island Park

An arrest was made of a 17-year-old boy who touched an 11-year-old girl while the families of the two stayed in a cabin together.

A hit and run was reported at the Island Park Scout Camp with damage to the vehicle.

An ATV accident was reported on Sagehen Drive involving a 6-year-old girl. The girl lost consciousness but then came out of it and had a swollen face and was crying. 

July 13


A woman called police near Bear Gulch during a major domestic dispute. The woman asked for help. 

An arrest was made for a bar fight at the Opera House.

Island Park

A cabin owner with renters on Chinook told police he got an alert the firepit was still on in the back yard despite all the renters seeming to be in bed for the night. 

A fireworks complaint was filed on Moose Loop Road.

July 14


An ambulance was called for an elderly man having heart problems.

An arrest was made for driving while possessing on Highway 20.

An ambulance was called for a 50-year-old man having acute kidney and liver failure from Grand Peaks Medical.

Someone found a suspicious bag on a private drive on 1100 North by the edge of the road. 

A rock broke out the side window at Big Judds.

An ambulance was called for a man sitting outside the nursing home asking for an ambulance and unable to care for himself. 

A report was filed for two flat tires at the Cherry Village Gardens that may have been from someone flattening them or from running over something that punctured them. 

Police were called to 2nd Street when a caller heard someone in their back yard even though they have a gate in their yard. 

Island Park

An ambulance was called a 68-year-old man with leg swelling, hypotension and dizziness on Stone Run.

Boats at the Island Park Reservoir were getting too close to the docks and a caller to police was afraid they might hit some children swimming near the docks. 

Two trees came down and hit power lines on Pine Crest Drive. There were live wires that were sparking.

A tree came down on North Big Springs Loop Road blocking both lanes of travel. The roots of the tree were still in the ground.

July 15


A vehicle hit an elk on Highway 20.

Two men on 3663 East were acting suspicious. One of them came up to a caller's property and started thanking her for helping his grandfather years ago. She reported he had glossy looking eyes. 

An ambulance was called for a 69 year old man unable to keep food down.

A welfare check was called in for a man's brother who went for a garbage run and hadn't returned and wasn't answering his cell phone. 

Island Park

Robins Roost reported Wander Camp Yellowstone has been telling their campers to dump their trash in Robins Roost dumpsters despite the Roost never having a conversation allowing this.

An ambulance was called for someone feeling lightheaded with blurred vision and heart issues. 

One person in the river and three on the shore of the Big Springs boat launch were fishing illegally.

A welfare check was called in for a former employee of a business on Highway 20. The caller reported the employee had been suicidal and hadn't been heard from in a week.

A front-end loader tore a hole in the road on Gooding Street and moved a callers' property without asking. 

A truck headed south on Highway 20 had passed on the double yellow line 5 times and speeding.

Police helped a person with a broken-down van pulling an ATV on the shoulder of Highway 20 headed south.

An ambulance was called to Macks Inn area for a woman who had been floating the river and got really cold. The caller told police she was in and out of consciousness and could be having a seizure.

Police helped a man who was run off the road at Macks Inn. 

A man and woman broke into a cabin on Kickapoo Road.

July 16


A van was unable to stay in its lane while driving south on 3600 East.

A van was parked off the Highway on the East side near the Ashton Hill. 

An unknown man called a 17-year-old girls' phone and made threats to put her in a body bag.

A fight was called in at Daves when a biker asked a woman to move her car and she told him no and they got into a verbal argument. The biker had a gun on his hip and the woman was afraid.

A suspicious person was reported at Jacksons.

Island Park

An ATV accident involving three children the oldest of which was 10 years old occurred at Big Springs. The children, unattended, ran the 4-wheeler into a tree. None were injured. 

Police responded to a store on Highway 20 that may have a possible drug deal going on and that someone was stealing power from. 

A truck pulling a trailer was having a hard time staying in his own lane by Ponds Lodge.

A boat in the Rancho Mccrea area was pulling children on a tube and playing music too loud.

An 8-year-old reported seeing someone push legs into a car parked at Last Chance Grocery Store. The vehicle then got onto Main Street headed north. 

July 17


A caller reported people acting suspiciously at the Methodist church. The caller informed police a child had gotten out of a vehicle and walked to the front of the church towards another vehicle.

A truck pulling a 5th wheel headed south on Highway 20 kept passing trailers heading into oncoming traffic and nearly causing several accidents.

A traffic complaint was called in when two dirt bikes riding at the beginning of the Ashton-Tetonia trail were driving unsafely.

Island Park

A moose fell in a ditch on Cherokee Road where a bobcat had been digging a trench.

A big piece of tire was causing a hazard on the southbound side of Highway 20.

A possible drug deal was called in off Highway 20. 

An ambulance was called for a 23-year-old man not responding that may be having a possible overdose of risperidone. He had suicidal thoughts the last few days.

A man was pulled over on the shoulder of Highway 20 squatting down near smoke.

A vandalism report at a cabin on Lariat Road was called in when a wat spicket outside the cabin was left on full blast and the caller worried there may be water damage from it.

An arrest was made for inattentive driving on Highway 20.

An arrest was made for a fishing violation at the Big Springs Boat Ramp.

Cows were reported on Highway 87.

An ambulance was called to Springhill Suites when someone fell in the bath and broke his or her leg. 



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