Police Reports


August 22


Two vehicles were reported sitting in an odd place at a vacant house on 875 North.

There was a two vehicle accident just north of Ashton on Highway 20. 

A noise complaint was filed for a neighbor playing loud music late at night on Maple Street.

A truck pulling a trailer with no lights on that was hard to see was reported on 1100 North. 

Island Park

Dirt bikes were speeding and spinning cookies on Teton Avenue.

A cow was reported outside the fence line on Flat Ranch.

Extra patrol was requested at Highway 87 for speeding vehicles including semis.

A man and woman were reported yelling at each other in the parking lot at Macks Inn. The man was in the drivers seat of a vehicle possibly drunk and the woman was sitting on the curb. 

An accident was reported on Highway 20. 

August 23


Someone received a fraud alert through Experian on 4775 E. 

Someone came on a property on 3300 East, opened their gate, let their horses out and beat their guard dog badly.

A gun was reported stolen on Spruce Street. The person calling reported hearing a squeak noise in the alley behind the house. The caller's truck was unlocked in the alley with guns in it and the caller had had guns stolen in the past. 

A scam call was reported by an employee at the Ashton Quick Stop. The caller claimed to be a federal agent demanding money or they would send agents to arrest the owner of the store. 

Island Park

An ambulance was called to Highway 20 that someone took a hard fall and wasn't responding. A man said he broke his ankle.

Two juveniles were assaulted by adults at Buttermilk Campground. The two girlfriends were at an RV event and said people picked on them for being gay, groped them and grabbed them.

August 24


Someone reported a semi-truck driver in a parking lot smoking weed that then drove toward Island Park. 

Police were called for a situation with a teacher restraining a child at Ashton Elementary School. The caller reported the school would not release her children and she was pulling them out to homeschool. 

Island Park

A report was filed for theft of clothes, jewelry and furniture off Highway 20.

An ambulance was called for an 80 year old man who fell down the stairs and had a concussion in Pinehaven. 

August 25


A wellness check was requested for a man on Cedar Lake Lane who told a woman he had stopped taking his medication. The woman asked police to check on him and see if he needed hospitalization.

An accident occurred on Highway 32 and 1200 North. 

Island Park

A truck with a trailer swaying back and forth over the line and speeding was reported on Highway 20 near Connie's. 

August 26

Island Park

Underage drinking was reported at Mariott's employee housing. 

An abandoned vehicle was reported in front of a construction site by Robins Roost.

Two black cows were reported on the side of Highway 20. 

A speeding vehicle was reported passing unsafely on Highway 20.

August 27


Fire crews responded to a cellar on fire and fully engulfed in flames on 3700 East.

A horse was reported on Highway 20.

Fire crews responded to a large plume of smoke on Hog Hollow Road.

Four bicyclists were reported riding in a traffic lane not on the side of the white line causing a hazard on Highway 20.

A rollover accident was reported on 1200 North. 

Island Park

A vehicle almost ran another vehicle off the road on Highway 20.

Cows were reported in Last Chance.

An accident was reported at Last Chance General Store.

An ambulance was called for a 62-year-old man having chest pain. 

Wedding attendees for a large wedding on Yale Kilgore Road were smoking weed and drinking and driving as well as going through a neighbor's things and parking on his property. 

August 28

Island Park

A noise complaint was filed someone staying close to Bar 30 for too much noise from a party there. 

Police pulled someone over for reckless driving and having an open container. 

A report was called in of a vehicle passing on the double white line on Highway 20. 

A black and white cow was reported outside the fence near Highway 87. 


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