Ashton's Best Friends? Or Bad Dogs?


For informational purposes because I know there can be a lot of tension between dog owners and non-dog owners as well as dog owners who follow the rules and those who do not, I thought I would type up a piece on just what are the rules if you own a dog in Ashton?

First dogs must be vaccinated and licensed each year with the city. Once licensed the city will give the owner a tag to wear on his or her collar at all times. If found owning a dog without a license the city can charge a $25 fee to the owner. 

There is also a rule in the city of Ashton that each residence is allowed up to 2 dogs. 

In certain areas designated for training or showing dogs they are allowed to be off leash but must be under the voice command of their owner. These areas could include the park or other public areas. 

Dogs caught running loose can be taken by the police. After 2 days the dog will be euthanized. If the dog is licensed police will let the owner know in writing, they have their dog within 2 days of taking the dog. After 5 days if the dog is still unclaimed by the owner it will be euthanized. If the dog is unlicensed police can issue a ticket to the owner.

An owner with a licensed dog would get a $25 fine for it running loose the first time and increasing fines each time after that up to a possibility of 30 days jail time. 

An owner with an unlicensed dog running loose would start out with a $40 fine for the first time the dog is caught.

For those found owning more than 2 dogs at one residence police can fine the owners $100 or put them in jail for 30 days.

Also, according to Ashton city ordinances, American pit bull terriers and American Staffordshire terriers as well as any dog who bites or hurts a person or animal or livestock is illegal and not allowed in city limits. 


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