Local Guide Company Brings People to Nature


Photo of Adam Brubaker taken from Tied to Nature Facebook page.

The beauty of the great mountains and green trees of the forest abound in the area we call home and the area so many come to see from all over the world. Surrounded by nature, a calmness and peacefulness rest, waiting to fill the restless hearts of so many busy humans. Tied to Nature, a guide company located in Island Park, seeks to bring people into the majesty creation. 

Tied to Nature offers environmental education tours to Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park and Island Park Idaho. The tours can include sightseeing, geyser gazing, wildlife watching, bird watching, photography or hiking. Guides pick up guests right from their lodging location. 

Adam Brubaker, owner of Tied to Nature and photographer, loves what he does.

"It is hard to beat showing someone their first wild bear or seeing their eyes light up as they look over the Grand Prismatic," Brubaker said. "Quoting Ranger Shelton Johnson, 'My job is a facilitator of astonishment.'"

He loves the people more than anything.

"I have started tours with complete strangers, and we have come away as friends," Brubaker said. "When you share once in a lifetime experiences with people it is hard not to. I have fulfilled a little girl's birthday wish of seeing a wolf, have had rock skipping competitions and been part of honeymoon trips."

Brubaker, who started out working for Norco Medical in Rexburg decided one day he just wasn't happy with what he did for a living and decided to take a risk and start his own business doing something that would make him happy. 

"One day I got tired of doing something that made me miserable, so I decided it was time to live my dreams," Brubaker said. "It was a lot of hard work and sleepless nights to get to the point I am now."

The hidden gem of Island Park Idaho offers access to public lands many other places don't. 

"It seems as though you are always about a stone's throw from being in the National Forest," Brubaker said.

Although currently giving tours in this part of the country, Brubaker hopes to one day expand the company to give tours worldwide. 

"I want to see leopards in Africa and lions in India and I have a feeling that once I do, I will want to share it with other people."

Brubaker can be reached at 208-351-5932 for any questions on booking a tour or Yellowstone or where to find bears or anything related to nature and where to go. He also has a Facebook, Instagram and Youtube with beautiful and amazing photos and videos. He does a podcast called "Tied to Nature's Yellowstone." 

"This idea is to help everyone have some connection to nature," Brubaker said.


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