
Showing posts from April, 2022

Police Reports

  April 18 Ashton Neighbors of a woman on Highway 32 had logs piled up near her house and near the road. She called concerned the logs may roll onto the highway. A possible domestic abuse was called in from Madison Memorial Hospital for a couple from Ashton. The couple were at the hospital for drug tests and the male punched the female right as they were leaving the hospital.  A car flipped on Highway 32. The grandson of a man on 1100 N in Ashton threatened to kill himself. The grandfather told police they had 200 guns there. Someone reported a semi driver speeding on Highway 20. Island Park Police gave a verbal warning to someone at Elk Creek Station for possession of a controlled substance. Police arrested someone at Yellowstone Towing for possession of a controlled substance.  April 19 Ashton A truck was pulling a trailer on Highway 20 with the trailer unhooked and dragging. A person broke down in the middle of the road on Highway 20.  Island Park   An arrest was made for inattentiv

Police Reports

  April 12 2022 Ashton A vehicle slid off road and onto its side on Highway 20. Multiple semi trucks spun out on the Ashton Hill. Police followed them back up the hill after they chained up.  Someone reported a "weird guy in a red coat and gray beard" who asked to trade food for cigarettes on Cherry Street. April 13 2022 Ashton A two vehicle accident with a car off the road on 1100 North was reported. A parent called to get help for mental evaluation for a 17 year old who ran off into the field by their home after threatening to kill people. A possible gas leak was reported from a home on Third Street.  Island Park An arrest was made for possession of a controlled substance on Highway 20.  A man reported a man from the HOA in Pinehaven taking pictures of house and harassing him. The reporting party asked for a report for a protection order.  A vehicle drove the wrong way for several miles and almost rolled more than once on Highway 20.  A vehicle slid off the road into a ditc
       A production company out of England wants to come to Idaho to obtain video footage of the Fremont County courthouse for an episode of a TV series.      Off the Fence Productions, Ltd will air the episode on "Unearthed, Ancient Murder Detectives" sometime next year.     The episode features local infamous murderer and mysterious death and disappearance and discovery of Joseph Henry Loveless. Loveless, a bootlegger in Dubois Idaho in 1916, went to jail for murdering his wife with an axe. He spent time in the St. Anthony jail awaiting the end of his trail but managed to escape by sawing through the bars with a blade in his shoe.      Although authorities searched all over nobody ever found Lovelace and all assumed he escaped to freedom. However, in 1979 a headless body was found in a cave just north of Dubois. Two years ago forensic scientists discovered the identity of the mysterious body and the mystery of what happened to Lovelace was partially solved.      Below is a

Police Reports

  April 4 Island Park Someone littered in the Elk Creek Station dumpster despite the $500 fine for doing so.  Ashton Someone reported a bald eagle in a ditch off Highway 20.  A child reported he locked him or herself in his or her bedroom because his or her parents were trying to beat him or her with a ball hitch. There was a tree in the roadway on 1100 N. April 5 Island Park Four slide offs were reported on highway 20 while driving in whiteout conditions on black ice.  A van was reported flipped on its side on Highway 20 at the state line blocking the road.  Someone reported a possible break in at the one of the Pines cabins basements. There was beer bottles and crumbs in the bed. The person reporting suspects it may be a former employee and thinks the person might come back again.  Someone reported 2 people on bicycles huddled up by the shop at Henrys Lake Station. The person reported was concerned they may be hurt or freezing.  An arrest was made for reckless driving on Highway 20.