
Showing posts from October, 2022

Little Church Big Heart

Wilferd A. Peterson once said, "In cathedral or cottage, the art of worship is an inner adventure; it is the personal practice of the presence of God." Many come to Island Park for an adventure in the outdoors in God's natural beauty. Little Church in the Pines was built in 1941 to give people both living in and visiting Island Park a place to meet to experience and worship that same God.  "Regardless of busyness, upon my arrival and entering our historic Sanctuary, I know that I am exactly where God intends me to be at this precise moment in time," said church-goer Connie Funkhouser.  For many years the church hosted pastors and leaders from surrounding churches who would come in to lead worship on various Sundays.  Ninety-year-old Betty Benjamin remembers her Idaho Falls church taking turns leading worship for the Little Church in the Pines. She also attended with her family while they vacationed in Island Park in the summertime.  The church is non-denominatio

Fremont County: A Treasure in East Idaho

Locals and tourists alike take part in many recreational activities in Island Park and Ashton every year. Whether it be floating the river or hiking or snowmachining in the winter most don't pause a moment to be grateful for the hours of work and people who put their time and effort into keeping our area a beautiful place to enjoy the outdoors.  Tamra Cikaitoga, director of the Parks and Recreation Department for Fremont County, is proud to work where she does.  "Fremont County is all about recreation and welcoming those that have come to the area to enjoy the scenic beauty and natural resources," Cikaitoga said.  Cikaitoga loves meeting all the people who come in for information.  "There are some very nice people who simply want to be outside, catch a fish or golf in a friendly atmosphere," Cikaitoga said. "We have many individuals who return to Fremont County wanting their grandchildren, or even great grandchildren to enjoy the same areas they have enjoye

Police Reports

  October 10 Island Park A black cow was reported outside the fence on the East side of Highway 20. October 11 Island Park A welfare check was requested for a woman's 35-year-old husband who camping somewhere off Red Rock Road while hunting and hadn't been heard from in 8 hours.  October 12 Ashton A man in a truck went off the side of the road at Grandview and Fisherman's drive. The caller reported the truck was tipped to the side on the edge of the road and he was worried the truck will tip onto Fishermans Drive.  A semi headed South on Highway 20 was swerving and passing in the turning lane and tailgating near Last Chance.  An ambulance was called to the Rankin Motel when a woman in her 60s fell and blacked out. A vehicle was reported swerving and speeding down Idaho Street. Island Park A semi hit an elk just south of Valley View on Highway 20.  An ambulance was called to transport a 37-year-old man with back pain from the Island Park Medical Clinic to EIRMC. Four black c

Police Reports

  September 26 Ashton Someone reported 6-8 cars racing toward Ashton from Highway 32. An arrest was made for inattentive driving for a vehicle on Highway 20 unable to maintain its lane and swerving to the right side of the road.  An ambulance was called for a 40 year old handicapped man to be taken to the hospital for kidney stones on Pine Street.  A fire call was called in on Cave Falls Road.  Island Park Threats were made via phone call from an ex in Montana to someone on Old Highway 191 who wanted his old furniture moving pads back. An ambulance responded to a 72 year old man who fell in the bathroom and needed help getting back up. An ambulance responded to a 55 year old woman with Covid feeling bad with back pain and pain on her right side. Four black cows were out south of the ranger station. September 27 Ashton Someone reported almost getting into a head on collision with a semi headed south on the Ashton hill.  An ambulance responded to a call for a man in his 40s who fell by W