
Showing posts from February, 2023

Home Sweet Home?

  Homeowners in Fremont County may see an increase in property taxes again this year. The cost of homes continues to rise, causing the assessed value and therefore the amount of property taxes required to also rise. Extreme population growth as thousands flock to our beautiful home state has also caused an increased demand for housing, causing the prices of available homes to increase.  "It is important to note it is the state that sets those property values, not the county, but it is our responsibility to process the data and uphold the code," County Assessor Carol Blanchard said. When people are selling for more and more each year and others are willing to pay more and more for homes it drives the price of everything up.  "We were found out of compliance in our Improved residential properties, even after the substantial increases that were made last year," Blanchard said. "The sales were completed and reported to us during that time reflect the need for an in

Ashton's Best Friends? Or Bad Dogs?

  For informational purposes because I know there can be a lot of tension between dog owners and non-dog owners as well as dog owners who follow the rules and those who do not, I thought I would type up a piece on just what are the rules if you own a dog in Ashton? First dogs must be vaccinated and licensed each year with the city. Once licensed the city will give the owner a tag to wear on his or her collar at all times. If found owning a dog without a license the city can charge a $25 fee to the owner.  There is also a rule in the city of Ashton that each residence is allowed up to 2 dogs.  In certain areas designated for training or showing dogs they are allowed to be off leash but must be under the voice command of their owner. These areas could include the park or other public areas.  Dogs caught running loose can be taken by the police. After 2 days the dog will be euthanized. If the dog is licensed police will let the owner know in writing, they have their dog within 2 days of t

Local Guide Company Brings People to Nature

  Photo of Adam Brubaker taken from Tied to Nature Facebook page. The beauty of the great mountains and green trees of the forest abound in the area we call home and the area so many come to see from all over the world. Surrounded by nature, a calmness and peacefulness rest, waiting to fill the restless hearts of so many busy humans. Tied to Nature, a guide company located in Island Park, seeks to bring people into the majesty creation.  Tied to Nature offers environmental education tours to Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park and Island Park Idaho. The tours can include sightseeing, geyser gazing, wildlife watching, bird watching, photography or hiking. Guides pick up guests right from their lodging location.  Adam Brubaker, owner of Tied to Nature and photographer, loves what he does. "It is hard to beat showing someone their first wild bear or seeing their eyes light up as they look over the Grand Prismatic," Brubaker said. "Quoting Ranger Shelton Joh

Love Your Neighbor

  If it's true what they say that God doesn't allow more than you can handle, George and Karon Robertson must be two of His strongest soldiers. The two Ashton residents have endured more than most could handle without breaking. And now, after so many battles, George will soon be home no longer having to fight. Karon, however, will be forced to carry on without the love of her life by her side. Neighbors and friends and anyone who wants to help out can donate to Karon and George through their niece's foundation, The Supportive Hope Network. Prayer is also sought after for the couple as Karon helps hospice care for her husband at their home during his final days. "They would never ask for anything but I know that many people want to help them and don't really know how or are too far away to help," their niece Joye Angle Kinkade said. "This is an easy and effective way to show them how much they mean to the people who know and love them." Two things tha

IP News: A Small Town Paper with a Big Heart

  Island Park News may report the news from a small town in Idaho, but even though only 286 people call Island Park home year-round, each year the "small" town, which spans 33 miles, sees tens of thousands of tourists visit or drive through. That's a lot of people who recreate and vacation in an area. Ann Marie Anthony, publisher and editor for the Island Park News since 2013, covers all entertainment and news and new businesses that happen in Island Park.  "I try to keep my finger on all issues effecting the folks that live here and meeting all those folks," Anthony said in an email.  A typical day for Anthony involves reading through hundreds of emails and making decisions on what to include in the weekly paper. Instead of choosing to retire and relax, Anthony spends her days reading hundreds of emails and deciding what to put in each week's paper. She works daily and attends multiple events and places meeting lots of people and keeping up to date with eve

February Happenings

  Friday February 24 9am - Kids Gym at Ashton Community Center $2 per child and child must be accompanied by an adult 930am - Bible Study at Little Church in the Pines Saturday February 25 7pm - Perfect Chaos at Lakeside Lodge 7pm - Mardi Gras Celebration at Lakeside Lodge and Resort Sunday February 26 10am - Little Church in the Pines Service 10am - LDS church service  11am - Our Lady of the Pines Catholic Church service Monday February 27 630pm - Island Park Empty Nesters meet at LDS church hall. Game nights, speakers. Call Cathy at 208-589-4053 Tuesday February 28 11am - Story Time at Ashton Library Wednesday March 1 1030am - Community sew day in the gym of the LDS church 1pm - Ashton Quilt Guild meets at the Ashton Senior Citizen Center 2pm - Ashton Library Book Club meets Thursday March 2 1130am - Lunch at Island Park Lodge for the Targhee Women's Club 130pm - Busy Hands at the Ashton Library Friday March 3 930am - Bible study at Little Church in the Pines Saturday March 4 7pm