
Showing posts from February, 2022

Snakes, Bears and Otters, Oh my!

 His tiny orange shirt stands out so brightly against the gray fur of the wolf in front of him. Being as quiet as a church mouse and standing very still his bright 6 year old eyes light up with wonder and awe at the size and beauty of the creature so close he could reach out and touch it. The wolf seems to stare back at first but really she is looking across and behind him to the other wolf pack across the way. Thankfully the glass between them protects my little man from these amazing but dangerous creatures.  My 6 year old son, Jaece, loves animals more than anything. His favorite places include the zoo and any place with horses or cats. He is loving and a cuddler. I thought we would go and see if he liked the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center in West Yellowstone. I wasn't sure if he would love it or be bored by it. We left in time to have 2 hours of time there before closing. I figured if he got bored we could go sledding after.  The wolves proved to be his favorite of all the p

God's Provision

  Other Christians can give us good advice, but only God can help us. My parents raised me to be an independent strong American woman. Crying was not allowed. I was expected and taught to help myself and not accept help from others. You fall. You get back up no matter how hurt you might be from the fall. You work hard to get where you are. And hasn't taught me those same things. Life has taught me you work hard and sometimes it doesn't matter at all. You still end up jobless or barely able to pay bills. You try to stay strong and be tough and eventually it all overpowers your will and you fall apart more than you ever though possible. You try to do good and the right thing and it ends with someone getting hurt somehow.  The Bible promises the Holy Spirit. But where is He? I used to feel the Spirit inside me. I used to know. Now its few and far between that I feel anything anymore. Most of the time I still feel like I'm just surviving another day.  I finally fell

Trusting God

  Give all your worries to Him because He cares about you. -1 Peter 5:7 I just began a Bible study from a dear friend and mentor of mine. She gave it to me a few months back but I am just now finally sitting down to read through it and thought I'd invite yall along on my journey through Experiencing God with Max Lucado.  I could count my trials and troubles in life. So so many. I tend not to except when talking with my husband, journal or therapist but I will now. We struggle to pay bills...some months we can't or we barely pay them with nothing leftover for food. I have a child with mental health issues who breaks my heart into pieces over and over again. I am a mom who has no clue what she is doing and who questions every single choice I make wondering if its right or wrong. I struggle with chemical depression...meaning nothing causes it but just the chemicals in my brain get out of whack and there is nothing I can do to really prevent it but I have to find ways to keep going


  If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. Thumper's father was wise when advising his young bunnies of this rule. Why is it so much easier for us to whine and complain about things then it is to keep our mouths shut with those negative comments and instead give compliments and point out all the good around us every day? Some of the things we complain about or get upset about are so different when looked at with a different lens. I may be upset after a long day at work that a guest yelled at me or belittled me or was rude. But instead, I should remember all the lovely nice or fun guests who also checked in and who I got the opportunity to talk to today. I should also remember how lucky I am to have a job when so many out there can't get one. And how lucky I am to get to work with my amazing co-workers and boss.  Laughter really is another good thing that helps. I no longer let myself feel guilty for watching those funny Tik Tok videos or youtube

Pistol Patent Day

  February 25 is pistol patent day. In 1835 Samuel Colt received the revolver patent. The first handheld guns were created to be shot from the back of a horse. For all western lovers here in this part of the country this marks a day to remember the history of handheld firearms including the revolver. Idaho in the 1800s wouldn't have been the safest place to live or ride or work and having a firearm on you wasn't just a right but was a necessity for safety and protection. Of course, like in all life, then and now, there are always bad guys and good guys and unfortunately both bad and good would have carried and shot these guns. The good to protect the bad for greed.  As a former Texan and now an Idaho resident for 10 years, I grew up watching old westerns, or at least playing in the same room where my father watched them religiously on his days off work. In addition to Star Trek of course. I always associated cowboys and westerns with growing up and my father. I learned to shoot

Police Reports

  Ashton Jan 31 Fire call. A shop with flammables inside was on fire. Nobody inside. Feb 1 Ashton police met AirMed at the Ashton Stake Center to assist.  Ashton medical clinic reported a 52 year old male with chest pain and numbness in his left arm.  Feb 2 An arrest was made at Dave's Jubilee for possession of a controlled substance.  Feb 3 Ambulance called for a 64 year old male with chest pains and recent pancreatitis.  A person hacked into someone's snapchat account and posted and saved pictures of her children. Feb 4 Juvenile threatened suicide. Bathroom vandalism reported at North Fremont High School.  One vehicle rollover accident.  Accident involving a 10 wheeler reported on Highway 20 northbound close to Ashton. Injuries reported included an unconscious passenger and a drivers legs pinned.  An ambulance was called for a 53 year old diabetic male with high blood pressure who was unconscious at Big Jud's.  Feb 5 Someone called in loose dogs running near Spruce Street

Iwo Jima Day

  There was reason to believe the battle for Iwo Jima would be even more ferocious than the others, reason to expect the Japanese defender would fight even more tenaciously. In Japanese eyes the Sulfur Island was infinitely more precious than Tarawa, Guam, Tinian, Saipan, and the others. To the Japanese, Iwo Jima represented something more elemental: It was Japanese homeland. Sacred ground. In Shinto tradition, the island was part of the creation that burst forth from Mount Fuji at the dawn of history.... the island was part of a seamless sacred realm that had not been desecrated by an invader's foot for four thousand years. Easy Company and the other Marines would be attempting nothing less than the invasion of Japan.” ―  James Bradley,  Flags of Our Fathers: Heroes of Iwo Jima This famous battle, with its world known photo of Marines raising the American flag on what had been Japanese soil during WWII, symbolizes so much sacrifice and lost lives of so many soldiers on both sides

Drink Wine Day

  Beer is made by men, wine by God.” ―  Martin Luther February 18 is Drink Wine Day. There's something about wine...maybe the idea that something fresh and sweet and simple as grapes growing on a vine can transform over time into something so much more. Much like a person's soul starts out sweet and simple and fresh but the more time it has to grow in this world the deeper and sweeter and more magical it can be. But on the same note, some souls, like wine, turn out bitter and rotten and have to be dumped out.  Some ways to enjoy this drink include drinking with friends while watching a movie, watching the sun set while having a glass, drinking a glass while relaxing in the bathtub.  Marcellars in Idaho Falls and the Lounge at Madison Crossing in West Yellowstone are both good places to enjoy a drink now and then. They also do wine tastings from time to time as well. Marcellars hosts a wine tasting every Thursday from 5-7pm.  Best places to buy a large selection of wines outside

Be Kind

My youngest, Jaece, so excited to help us shovel snow off the steps at our house! Oh Lord let him always keep that kind heart of his so thrilled to help and bring joy to others.  Thursday, February 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day. I can't even begin to list the number of people and deeds done to help me in my past and every single day. It's overwhelming some days the love and kindness of others. On the other hand, I have recently changed jobs from cleaning, which suited my shy anti-social self perfectly to working the front desk at a resort, which is the exact opposite of hiding away in a room or cabin and cleaning by myself in peace. The work is so much less physically demanding but oh it's tested my emotions.     I've seen and felt in my heart and soul the anger and meanness of so many people from all over the country and world. And it hurts. Beneath the anger I know is pain. Pain from others' hurting them and being mean to them. Like the virus we've all com